Herne Bay Junior School
"One chance, let's get it right"
  • Compassion

  • Courage

  • Hope

  • Integrity

  • Justice

  • Respect

  • Responsibility

  • Wisdom

Welcome to Herne Bay Junior School

We are a large junior school serving the centre of Herne Bay. Our website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing regular updated information for both parents and pupils.

We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find any information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school direct with any queries you may have.

Thank you for visiting!


We are thrilled to announce that after working towards achieving our Artsmark status since 2019, we have achieved Artsmark GOLD! This has been a rewarding journey as we have rediscovered our love for the Arts across the school after Covid. It has been a joy to see children develop their understanding of events through the use of art and this is something we hope to continue to do. We are very proud of this achievement!.


HBJS football teams had some fantastic results this week at the District Football Tournament at UKC. The girls A team won the bronze medal finishing 3rd out of 20 other schools in the district. The boys A team reached the final for the 5th year in a row, narrowly losing on penalties to a strong Swalecliffe side. 


On Thursday HBJS Netball team continued their unbeaten run winning 27-0 against Whitstable Juniors. Well done all! 

This week HBJS Sport awards was presented to Year 6 pupil George Mogg. Not only was it awarded to him, but it will now be known as the 'George Mogg Sports Trophy' to honour George for his outstanding performances in Sport. George is a huge credit to HBJS and a fantastic role model to his peers. Not only does George excel in Sport, he has been massively improving his work in the classroom.

 HBJS has a new saying "be more like George”! 



Eco News HBJS

Eco News HBJS



Last week, for the first time since we’ve had our solar panels fitted and just in time for Earth Day (www.earthday.org), the school reached the status of climate positive. This means, that for a 7-day period, our entire carbon foot print was more than offset by the solar energy we produced, and the extra energy was fed back into the national grid helping reduce additional carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere by large power plants.


As far as we are aware, Herne Bay Junior School is the first school in the Canterbury/Whitstable/Herne Bay area (and maybe even further afield) to achieve this so we feel very proud to be doing our bit to clean up the planet. We still have a long way to go to become climate positive 100% of the time but we are working hard to ensure we reach this goal. In the meantime, as we move into the summer months, we look forward to many more climate positive days and weeks. 

Easter Service HBJS

Yesterday we spent the morning with Reverend Anthony at the Christ Church, William Street, for our Easter Service. The children were educated on the true meaning of Easter and joined in with seasonal songs and prayers.

This was a lovely service and a perfect ending to the term.

We wish all our pupils and families here at HBJS a Happy Easter!







Lord Mayor Visit to HBJS - Little Library Official Opening

Little Library Official Opening 

On Tuesday, we were privileged to have the Lord Mayor of Canterbury join us to officially open our Little Library. The School Council members, Ava (the winner of the design competition), staff and parents came together to enjoy a reception involving plenty of cake and lots of chatter! The School Council gave a speech after which we headed out to the courtyard for the Lord Mayor to officially open the Little Library through the cutting of the ribbon. We were then treated to an impressive performance from the choir. It was a wonderful event and we are very grateful that the Lord Mayor was able to join us to celebrate this. 




The Little Library has been an ongoing vision of the School Council which has been realised with the expertise of Mr Hewitt, who built the library from scratch. The library was exclusively created from recycled items...even down to the hinges which were used! We are delighted that it is now ready to be used by our school community. The Little Library will open daily from 3pm to enable siblings to access this alongside our pupils as they leave school (it may remain closed in extreme weather). In time, we also plan to enable it to be accessed before school. Please feel free to take or donate books. There is no pressure to return a book but we hope that there will always be books readily available so it does rely on donations to enable this to run successfully. Please just put any book donations straight into the library. Parents are responsible for checking the suitability of books which are both borrowed and donated. All books should be suitable for children under 11. Happy borrowing! 



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